Acrylic Rendering Sydney

Rendering Services Sydney

Get the best acrylic rendering services in Sydney with Horizon Coatings. Acrylic rendering is sometimes better than cement rendering because of the unique nature of its plastic-like composition. With years of experience and highly-trained staff, we specialise in acrylic rendering – providing high-quality services to all our customers.

Our acrylic rendering services in Sydney involve applying the render by rolling and trowelling. We also provide acrylic spraying services using two coats. Horizon Coatings provides numerous options for finishes and colours. We provide acrylic rendering in Sydney for interior as well as exterior purposes.

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Advantages Of Acrylic Rendering

Acrylic rendering has many advantages that make it better than cement rendering. The render is stronger, more flexible, more durable and offers a good variety of colours and finishes. Let us have a look at some of these advantages in detail:

  • Strength: Acrylic makes the render a lot stronger than cement. This enhances the quality of the render. The resulting mixture is more consistent and provides homogeneity in terms of colours and finishes. For high-quality rendering services in Sydney, contact Horizon Coatings today.
  • Flexibility: Acrylic rendering is more flexible than cement and other types of rendering. Flexibility is generally associated with the consistency of the mixture when applied or transferred to a surface such as a wall. Acrylic rendersin Sydney tend to crack considerably less than other types of renders.
  • Durability: Durability is yet another important factor when it comes to rendering. Acrylic renders in Sydney tend to last longer because of their durability. This means that you won’t require acrylic rendering as often as other renders. The finish is consistent and the colours remain fresh and in great condition for a long time.
  • No need to add Pre-Mix: The material of acrylic renders inSydney is already pre-mixed with a specific colour. This means that you don’t need to apply plain renders before adding the colours. This is great, as it saves a lot of time and labour.

Variety of Finishes: Our rendering services in Sydney aim to provide you with everything you need without looking elsewhere. We provide a large variety of finishes and designs to choose from. All our designs are smooth and incredibly attractive.

Get Amazing Acrylic Rendering with Horizon Coatings

Horizon Coatings provides acrylic rendering in Sydney for all types of residential and commercial properties. We provide acrylic rendering for apartments, bungalows, farmhouses, offices, retail stores, factories, warehouses and commercial campuses.

  • Our rendering services in Sydney are highly professional. We work systematically, providing you with no reason to complain. We are always open to feedback and would love to hear more from you.
  • Horizon Coatings has a highly experienced team offering acrylic rendering services in Sydney. Our staff is well-trained and well looked after.
  • We use the latest tools and technologies for rendering services in Sydney. Horizon Coatings utilises innovative methods to provide finishes you will love for a long, long time.

If you require affordable premium-quality acrylic rendering in Sydney, contact us today to get a free quote and get great discounts.

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